
Protecting Large Data Loads with a Limited Budget

How to reduce your backup and restore windows with multistreaming.

Rapid data growth forces companies of all sizes to look for more efficient ways of backing up data in a shorter time frame. Spending the already tight IT budget on new hardware can be an option, but is that an economic one?

In the whitepaper "How to Protect Large and Growing Data Loads with a Limited Budget" NovaStor highlights the technology of multistreaming and underscores the advantages:

  • Reduction of backup windows
  • Improved restore windows
  • More efficient use of hardware
  • No new hardware investment
  • Scales as you add more resources

Download our whitepaper now and learn how you can improve your backup and restore windows without pouring money down the drain.

IT providers can sign up to be a NovaStor ValueCREATE! reseller here.

Download the Whitepaper